It’s weigh-in day. You step on the scale, looking forward to a new low reading, knowing that you’ve had a really consistent week, trained hard, not missed a single set,…
Fitting in Fun Foods The best thing about flexible dieting is that you can eat whatever you want. You’re not tied to strict rules and regulations as you would be…
This is a post to a super quick DIY guide on how you can go about setting yourself up to succeed with a ‘fat-loss’ style diet. They say knowledge is…
Remember when you were a kid and used to run around the playground, swinging from the monkey bars… and times balancing on the balance beam? You were working your core…
Stretching is a form of physical exercise in which a certain muscle or tendon is deliberately flexed or stretched in order to improve the muscle’s elasticity and achieve comfortable muscle…
Having a good posture has always been a priority from a young age with parents and teachers telling us to ‘sit up straight!’ or ‘Stop slouching!. However, posture isn’t just…
Fruit Good or Bad Fruit is poisonous Fruit is toxic Fruit will make you fat Nature’s candy, aka fruit, has been getting some bad press in recent months. Warnings appear…
Your diet has been going extremely well. Over the past few months, you have made important steps towards your weight loss goal. Then everything changes and your results come…
Weighing Yourself Have you ever been one to weigh yourself every day? Does the number looking back at you each morning typically influence whether or not you have a good or…
Exercise is a vital part of good health, and exercising correctly will help to keep your body fit, strong and looking great. It’s important for every individual to follow some…