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How to burn stubborn stomach fat?

Generally speaking most people have problems with their stomach area more than anywhere.

Its a hard muscle to see, and to do that you have to lose the fat on top of it first!

Most people in the gym try and do loads of sit ups and crunches. They think this will make their stomach muscles more toned and slim down the mid section. But in all reality that isn’t the way to do it.

The stomach is like any other muscle, you do a couple of exercises on it, with a few sets and you are done. No need to do anything else. No exercise will give you the magic toned abs, things like planks are great.

However the way to make it look more toned, is simply to burn more fat.

A famous quote is “Abs are made in the kitchen”. Which tells you diet is king, you need to be eating well and then you will tone up you stomach more. Of course you need to be burning more calories by doing more weight training and circuit style training. No magic product will help you produce toned abs so I would steer clear from things that promise this!

So, clean up your diet and work hard in the gym with a program which all your major muscles and eventually the stomach muscles will come.


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