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Yo-Yo dieting

Yo-yo dieting how to avoid it and keep the weight off.

This is an interesting article on people from the Biggest Loser on how all of them put their weight back on after losing it, and suffer loads of injuries.

There is a culture of dieting where people believe you have to be hardcore, or all or nothing and just workout and diet like crazy to see results.

It doesn’t have to be like that.

Exercise has to be more demanding then what you are doing so you can overload your body, burn more calories, build more lean muscle and then change the body composition. But it doesn’t mean you have to exercise twice a day or even everyday, 3/4 times a week is generally enough.

In terms of diet, Yo-Yo dieting occurs when you cut things out of your diet radically like a starvation diet, or try to drop calories really low out of no where.

What you will find is that you will lose weight on the scales, this will include mainly water weight and a lot of muscle mass as you are under eating your body burns it off. Then eventually when you have to eat normally again, after all theres only so many shakes you can take, the weight comes back on with a vengeance.

So don’t do anything radical, if you want to lose weight quicker. Exercise more intensely or one more session at the gym for a month and see what that does for you.

2 pounds a week off every week will be more beneficially then 5 pounds off and 7 pounds back on, it sounds like common sense. However this is how most people “diet”.


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